Update: In early 2022, a product reboot has happened, which pivoted the product much more towards setting goals (OKRs) but still has its roots in teamwork, metrics, and evidence-based management.
We want to be as lean as possible, and we believe delivering early and often is the way to approach the market and early adopters.
In Beta, we would like to demonstrate the principles of what is to come. At its core, Agile Tools is a Business Intelligence tool building on innovative internal ideas and Evidence-based Management knowledge (books and guides).
The Beta starts with team-level Scrum-oriented metrics, but there will be so much more! We might create an industry-agnostic platform that would cover not only Software companies but also financial, healthcare or manufacturing. Currently, the focus is on software organizations – we want to lay good foundations.
The mission we are on, is to help software organizations to benchmark their current business agility state and guide them to areas of possible improvements on a journey to a successful customer and product oriented organization.
Badly and out-of-context interpreted charts and numbers, only to measure (some) people, teams, and departments, is something we do not like. Numbers are important, but we value individuals and interactions more! Transparency goes beyond teams and departments.
In one of the recent posts about the Ability to Innovate Key-Value Area, I explain the added value of having good metrics and even actionable suggestions on improving weaker areas of organizations.
What’s next? We will create an Ability to Innovate Dashboard focusing on a radar chart aggregating the metrics. Later, the main Dashboard will bring together all four Key Value Areas: Current Value, Time to Market, Ability to Innovate, and Unrealized Value.