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OKR Goal Management

A goal is a more general term but is used synonymously with the OKR acronym in Agile Tools.


Objective creation wizard

  1. Select scope: Team, Value Unit, or Organizational Unit, including the company itself.

  2. The Objective and the reason why is this goal important right now.

  3. When do we want this OKR to end?

  4. Select the Goal Owner. Who is accountable for this OKR?

  5. Align up or sideways (vertically or horizontally)

Agile Tools Goals - Add Goal - Step 1 - Team
Agile Tools Goals - Goal Scope - empty Goals page

OKR Goal Scopes (OKR Levels)

  1. No personal/employee "level" OKRs by design

  2. (Cross-functional) Teams are the preferred scope to create OKRs for

  3. OKRs for Value Units (products, projects, services,...)

  4. Organizational Units (business units like departments)

Goal Statuses

  1. Draft

  2. Published

  3. Active (these count for pricing)

  4. To Review

  5. Abandoned

  6. Reviewed

Goal Statuses.png


Agile Tools Key Results - Wizards

Key Result creation wizards

  1. Create Key Result from a template from the library

  2. Create Key Result based on selected metric from the library

  3. Create a generic Key Result

  4. Quick create (not a wizard)

Key Result types

  1. Baseline

  2. Increase

  3. Decrease

  4. Maintain

  5. Milestone

  6. Percentage

Agile Tools Key Result Types
Agile Tools OKR Scoring Types


  1. Two most common scoring types: "Yes/No" (binary) and "3 Zones" (Red, Amber, Green)

  2. Scoring types are different based on Key Result type

  3. Aspirational scoring is immediately recognized as it uses different (blue) zone

Data cadence & Check-in

  1. You can enter data via Check-in for any date within the observing active Key Result period for generic Key Results

  2. For Key Results based on a metric from the library, the Data Period is defined by the metric

  3. Check-in is an event, a recurring one, which should happen routinely with existing meetings

Agile Tools Check-in
Agile Tools Key Result detail page

Key Result detail page

  1. Displays just the right information, needed to critically (re)think the steps necessary to do to achieve the target

  2. The current (last known) state is displayed with a gauge chart with thresholds and zones that were defined

  3. The trend over the period (and even before!) if a metric is included in the Key Result

Predictive indicator

  1. At every Check-in, you can prevent the unpleasant surprises at the end of the Key Result cycle by notifying in advance if you think the target is unlikely to be achieved

  2. Having red warning dots can make us focus on the difficult to achieve results or even abandon them and adapt to the new reality

Agile Tools Predictive indicator


My Board
Agile Tools My Board

My Board

  1. My Board is a default start page, but you can make any page in the application your default start page

  2. It displays some basic account info

  3. The Accountability card shows any Goal that you own and any Key Result you are the caretaker of.

  4. The teams you are part of are displayed as a circle with team members

Team Goal Board

Team Goal Board

  1. Regardless if your team is cross-functional or team members are all from the same department, this page is for them to gather around their current OKR(s).

  2. Two views: circular and table

  3. Also displays on which products, projects, initiatives, etc. team members work on.

Agile Tools Team Goal Board
Value Unit Goal Board
Agile Tools Value Unit Goal Board

Value Unit Goal Board

  1. Value Unit is an umbrella term for products, projects, services, etc. your organization is working on

  2. This Goal Board shows OKRs set for those products, projects, etc.

  3. Also displays to which organizational units those products, projects, etc. belong to.

Org Unit Goal Board

  1. Organizational Units are usually the departments, but you can create any structure.

  2. This board displays OKRs for org units

  3. Displays Value Units orbiting the org unit owning them.

  4. Also displays teams responsible for building those Value Units.

Agile Tools Org Unit Goal Board
Org Unit Goal Board


Library search


  1. Search an ever-growing list of templates

  2. OKR Goal templates

  3. Key Result templates

  4. Metric templates

  5. Combine to your wishes when drafting your OKRs

Agile Tools Library - Search
Agile Tools Library - Metric templates

Metric templates

  1. Ever-growing list of metric templates

  2. Metric templates are used to create Key Results

  3. Every metric has a name, question, motivation, data type, unit, default data period, default aggregation type, and optional tags.

  4. You can create your own, to be used for your organization.

  5. Every metric instance can be reused in subsequent key results

Metric templates

Key Result templates

  1. Ever-growing list of Key Result templates

  2. Key Result templates are used to create OKRs

  3. Every Key Result can be created to include a metric or not

  4. Every Key Result has a name and a type

  5. You can create your own

Agile Tools Library - Key Results
Key Result templates
Agile Tools Library - Goals - one expanded

OKR Goal templates

  1. Ever-growing list of OKR templates

  2. You can use them as inspiration and a foundation to shorten your valueable time preparing for the next cycle

  3. Every OKR template has a name and a list of suggested Key Result templates - pick one, more or none.

  4. You can create your own

OKR templates

Create templates

  1. Create and edit templates for metrics, key results and goals

  2. Metric editor as shown on the image to the right will become much more powerful down the road

  3. When metric instance becomes "alive" it has its own lifecycle, not limited to a lifespan of any particular Key Result

Agile Tools Library - Metrics - Create template
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