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Team Leaders,
Upgrade tracking Objectives and Key Results from spreadsheets...
...and from other OKR software based on not so modern practices
Agile Tools guides you with intelligent wizards that promote high-quality metric-based Key Results backed by a rich and educational in-app library.
...and so much more
Delivering value to customers with agile techniques not found in leading market productivity tools is the end game. You might love what you see. "Look, Ma, no assignees!"
If you are struggling to manage... are not alone.
The solution
Drive your strategy with a modern, team-first OKR & Work management solution.
Why is Agile Tools so effective?
for team leaders
Wizards promote high-quality metric-based Key Results...

...backed by a rich and educational in-app library
with Evidence-Based Management by descriptions

Monitor the progress of your Key Results

The daily agile work

We support organizations in delivering business strategy with our
new-age digital solution and people in fulfilling their professional growth.
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